Orthodontics Treatment in Ahmedabad

Learn more about Orthodontist treatment view video below

The most common oral health issue prompting orthodontic treatment is a bad malocclusion

Here we give your detail information about Orthodontics Treatment in Ahmedabad

Why Orthodontic Treatment?
Treatment Planning
Extractions and other preliminary procedures
Orthodontics Treatment For children

Why Orthodontic Treatment?

The most common oral health issue prompting orthodontic treatment is a bad bite (malocclusion). A malocclusion may be caused by one or more factors:

Small Mouth: A small mouth can result in a limited amount of space for the teeth to grow. This can foster crowding once the permanent teeth erupt.

Tongue Thrusting: Some children thrust their tongue forward, pressing it against the lips with a force that can result in the protrusion of teeth, or “open bite,” among other problems.

Extra Teeth or Not Enough: Sometimes, a person can have extra teeth develop and/or protrude, or certain teeth that do not develop or protrude at all. If you have too many teeth or not enough, your bite can be affected. In addition, the untimely loss of baby teeth or traumatic injury to the face, mouth or jaw can also affect the bite.

Misaligned Jaw and Bone Structure: A misaligned jaw or supporting bone structure can affect the bite and create malocclusion. Malocclusion may result in difficulty chewing and speaking, or otherwise impact the functionality of the teeth. Furthermore, malocclusion may contribute to other oral health conditions such as (TMD) and teeth grinding (bruxing).

Poor Muscular Functional Habits: Malocclusion may be caused by poor muscular functional habits such as thumb sucking during and beyond infancy. Some adults still suck their Fingers or thumbs, resulting in tongue thrust habits that can be a detriment to dental and facial development

The First Consultation for Orthodontic Treatment

During this visit the patients is examined clinically by our Orthodontist. This enables him to give advice on the treatment options available, when treatment should commence, the duration of treatment, and the approximate cost.

If the patient decides to proceed with treatment, an appointment is made to collect records

Records include:

  1. Impressions from which plaster models of the teeth are constructed. – Photographs of the teeth and face.
  2. X-rays of the teeth and jaws.

Records the orthodontist to analyze each case accurately. They are also used to record the existing malocclusion for future reference

Dental Implants: Teeth That Look and Feel Like Your Own

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that a dentist places into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants are an ideal option for people in good general oral health who have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury, or some other reason.

While high-tech in nature, dental implants are actually more like a tooth saving situation rather than the traditional bridgework, since implants do not rely on any neighbouring teeth for support.

Dental implants are so natural looking, you may forget you ever lost or replaced a tooth. You know that your confidence about your teeth affects how you feel about yourself. Perhaps you hide your smile because of spaces from missing teeth. Maybe your dentures don’t feel secure. Perhaps you have difficulty chewing. If you are missing one or more teeth and would like to smile, speak and eat again with comfort and confidence, there is good news! Dental implants are teeth that can look and feel just like your own! Under proper conditions, such as placement by a dentist and diligent patient maintenance, implants can last a lifetime. Long-term studies continue to show improving success rates for implants.

This includes all of the surgery, materials, time, reviews, x-rays and an initial follow up appointment. This cost does not include the removal of any teeth required for treatment, bone augmentation which is sometimes necessary, or a temporary tooth to fill a gap (not required for a tooth at the back of the mouth). We will of course inform you at your assessment of likely charges associated with your proposed treatment.

Treatment Planning

At this visit, the orthodontist discusses the treatment plan(s) which have been formulated using information obtained from the first consultation and records.

Then, arrangements are made to commence treatment or, if it is too early, to review the patient periodically until it is an appropriate time to commence treatment.

Extractions and Other Preliminary Procedures

  • Sometimes it is necessary to remove teeth to gain sufficient space to align the remaining teeth. Any decayed teeth should be filled and the teeth sometimes need to be cleaned before orthodontic treatment is started.

  • The patient is referred back to the family dentist to have these preliminary procedures carried out. The cost of these procedures is not included in the orthodontic fee.


Braces are the most efficient and accurate way of moving teeth.

Braces (bands, brackets and wires) are usually made of stainless steel although clear brackets are available, usually at extra cost. Fitting the braces usually involves two visits. Braces remain on the teeth for the entire duration of treatment.

Patients then attend approximately every 4-8 weeks for adjustments, wire changes, etc.

Rubber Bands and Headgear

During treatment, patients may need to wear such items as rubber bands and/or headgear with their braces. These items provide important extra forces for the correction of the bite.

How long?

Orthodontic treatment usually takes 18 – 24 months. Some cases may be finished earlier and others may take longer to complete. The total treatment time depends on the severity of the original malocclusion, the type of treatment carried out, and the co-operation of the patient.

Dental check-ups

Orthodontic patients should continue to attend their family dentist for regular check-ups during the course of orthodontic treatment.


At the completion of the active part of orthodontic treatment, the braces are removed and retaining appliances (retainers) are fitted to hold the teeth steady in their new position. These appliances may be removable plates or wires fitted behind the teeth.

Retainers play an important role in orthodontic treatment for, if they are not worn according to instructions, the teeth may move back towards their original position.

The retaining appliances are usually worn:

• Full-time for up to one year

• Just at night for a further year

• Phased out altogether over one more year

The corrected teeth are observed periodically for up to five years after the retainers have been phased out. During retention and the subsequent observation period, patients are expected to attend once or twice a year.

Orthodontics Treatment for Children

Q. At what age should a child have an orthodontic examination?

A. Age 7, unless you suspect a problem at an earlier age, because most facial asymmetries are likely to be apparent by that time. A timely screening will lead to extraordinary treatment benefits. For others, the principle benefit is peace of mind.

Q. Why are children being evaluated at such an early age?

A. Early diagnosis and treatment can guide erupting teeth into a more favourable position, preserve space for the permanent teeth and reduce the likelihood of fracturing protruded front teeth. Also, early treatment may shorten treatment time, make treatment easier and in some cases less expensive. It may even provide advantages that are not available later.

Q. Is orthodontic care expensive?

A. Orthodontic therapy may eliminate the need for other medical and dental treatment. The physical and psychological benefits usually last a lifetime, which makes orthodontics one of the best investments in healthcare and quality of life.

Q. What is the psychological impact of early treatment?

A. Appearance has been related to popularity, social behaviours, self-expectation, personality style, and self-esteem. Orthodontic therapy may lessen the likelihood that a child will be picked on by other children. Treatment may reduce appearance-consciousness and the emotional scarring that can occur during critical developmental years. Also, as adolescents enter the sensitive teenage years, they become far less receptive to orthodontic therapy.

Q. In addition to aesthetic improvements, what are some other benefits of orthodontic therapy?

A. Additional benefits may include better function, improved clean ability, more favourable wear patterns and greater longevity of natural teeth.

Q. Why is the growth spurt at puberty so important in orthodontics?

A. This is the time when much of the development of the face occurs. Treatment during this period allows the orthodontist to favourably influence the facial problem in a growing child. Once growth of the facial bones is complete, correction of skeletal discrepancies usually requires surgery.

Q. If I’m not sure about the need for orthodontics, how should the patient he managed?

A. If in doubt, refers. If you notice a problem and refer to a specialist, your legal and professional responsibilities are fulfilled. Also, an early referral can avoid more complex problems that may worsen with time.

Q. What’s the problem with waiting until the permanent teeth erupt to refer?

A. The problem may be one of opportunities missed with respect to growth and development. While patients can be treated at any age, those with available growth may enjoy a substantial advantage. Timely treatment may prevent the need for jaw surgery, extraction of permanent teeth, or fracture of protruded incisors. Early treatment may also help the psychological development. Patients also benefit from guidance of tooth eruption.

Orthodontics Treatment for Adult

Q. At what age is a patient too old for orthodontics?

A. Patients who have teeth and healthy supporting structures are never too old for orthodontic therapy. Age is not a factor.

Q. How can I tactfully approach an adult patient who could benefit from orthodontics?

A. Ask the question: “Are you happy with the appearance of your teeth?” The ill be your guide to further answer will be your guide to further development of the conversation.

Q. Why are adults seeking orthodontics in increasing numbers?

A. Many adults are receiving orthodontic care that was not available to them as children. They realize that improving the health of their mouths and the attractiveness of their smiles and facial appearances can result in changes for the better in their personal, social, and professional lives. Technical advances have also had an impact on adult therapy.

Q. What are some of those advances?

A. Advanced technology has produced small tooth-colored brackets that are barely noticeable. Specially alloyed wires are more comfortable, can speed up treatment, and may decrease the number of necessary appointments. New retainers can be placed where they do not show. Also, advanced surgical techniques now allow treatment of many skeletal problems after growth is completed.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding Orthodontics Treatment, please do not hesitate to contact us on followings mobile No: 09879249417 & 09825531435.

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Patient Stories

Khyati Aacharya

I am visiting clinic from so many years. My 15 teeth are protected by Dr. Devang with metal bridge and are still strong. One implant is also done by him. Very recent he has protected my front twelve teeth by half mouth rehabilitation and gave my face ,a good look. Dr. Anal also have a smooth hand for root canal and fixing bridge.

Darshan Parikh

Best Dental Treatment in Maninagar and Transprant Work provide all knowledge about treatment and give proper guidance with familiar nature. Thanks a lot Dr. Devang Mistry for all your treatments continue to do great work.

Gautami Patel

I had an amazing experience! The atmosphere won me over, and the staff made me feel extremely comfortable. The doctor took great care of me during my overall visit. They were phenomenal! I’ve found my new dentist, and I highly recommend!!

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